How Nextler IOTWISE can help scientific research institutions around the globe deliver results better?

At a Glance

  1. Unified Discovery
    • Intro
  2. We have a vision
    • Innovative research, quick data, accessible knowledge advancement.
  3. How we actualize our vision
    • Nextler IOTWISE: Smart devices, cloud platform, insights.
  4. The Cutting Edge Paradox
    • Addressing tech gaps, human-driven Nextler IOTWISE solution.

Unified Discovery

Global research is like a massive treasure hunt where curious minds worldwide seek answers to questions. Imagine scientists as explorers, each armed with unique tools and ideas. They collaborate across borders, sharing their findings to solve puzzles that benefit us all. This global teamwork accelerates progress in medicine, technology, and beyond. The research landscape is a vast playground where breakthroughs are the golden discoveries, and every piece of knowledge adds to the world’s collective wisdom. It’s a fascinating quest that unites humanity in unravelling the mysteries of our universe for a brighter, shared future.

Check out our recent article on – The focus on scientific research by governments across the globe is strong. But are they leveraging the power of IoT?

We have a vision

Imagine a journey filled with innovation and speed – that’s our vision. We aim to make research quicker and data more meaningful for institutions. It’s not just about information; it’s like a dance of progress with valuable insights. And the best part? Everyone in the team, now and in the future, can easily access this treasure trove of knowledge. We’re creating a future where time works in favour of discovery.

To make it clearer, we believe that if we can offer meaningful products and services to the research world, it would help human progress in more fast and efficient ways. As a technology company, we have been working with this vision, and we have positive news to share.

How we actualize our vision

Our strategy for realizing our vision hinges on integrating Nextler IOTWISE—a platform that perfectly aligns with our goals to transform research processes. This involves two main components: the development of cutting-edge IoT-powered devices and equipment, and a user-friendly web-based application linked to our cloud platform, IOTWISE.

Key components and functionalities of Nextler IoTWISE

  1. Smart Devices: Nextler makes clever gadgets that collect and share data in real-time. 
  2. Cloud Platform (Nextler IOTWISE): Our cloud platform, Nextler IOTWISE, acts like a central hub. It stores, analyzes, and shares data from these gadgets, creating a single place for information. 
  3. Web-Based App: We offer an easy-to-use app that talks to the Nextler IOTWISE platform. This app helps teams analyse data quickly and work together effectively. 
  4. Insights: Using smart algorithms, Nextler IOTWISE turns data into useful insights, speeding up research by giving valuable information fast. 
  5. Accessibility: Anyone on the team can use the web app to get info anytime, from anywhere. This makes teamwork smoother and research more efficient. 

By combining smart gadgets, cloud tech, and a user-friendly app, Nextler IOTWISE makes research faster, data more useful, and collaboration easier.

The Cutting Edge Paradox

In this era, which we define as the age of AI, cutting-edge technology, and so on, we have identified research organizations that haven’t adopted technology into their processes. This is primarily due to lesser access to companies working in this space and due to practical implementation difficulties in research scenarios. 

We have worked very closely with some research teams from top institutes in India, such as the National Institute of Animal Husbandry, Hyderabad, and the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi. We identified gaps and opportunities and came up with the solution of Nextler IOTWISE, which we prefer to be defined as a human-driven IoT platform rather than cutting-edge. It’s not possible to embrace and adapt every aspect of research teams and activities seamlessly without researchers, aka humans, actually embracing our platform in their research process.