What is Preventive Healthcare and why are we at Nextler Innovations passionate about it?

At a Glance

  1. India’s growing concern that deserves attention
  2. The Price of Survival
  3. Preventive Healthcare as a Solution
  4. Nextler Innovation Participates Proactively

India’s growing concern that deserves attention

Ranked third globally for cancer burden after China and the U.S., India is grappling with a formidable surge in cancer cases. The year 2022 witnessed a staggering 9.1 lakh cancer-related deaths and more than 14 lakh new cancer cases, highlighting the severity of the issue. Adding to the challenge is the presence of undiagnosed cancer cases, reflecting the inadequacy of early detection mechanisms. Alarming projections indicate a prospective 60.3% rise in cancer rates for men and 54.9% for women by 2040, demanding urgent attention. 

Amid this crisis, leading healthcare chains in India are stepping up their efforts, pouring significant investments into cancer treatment. These strategic investments encompass not only bolstering existing treatment facilities but also embracing advanced technologies. The healthcare sector’s focus on staying at the forefront of cancer care is evident in its commitment to cutting-edge treatments, reflecting a concerted effort to mitigate the rising cancer epidemic. As India faces this mounting health challenge, these investments in treatment infrastructure and technology emerge as crucial steps towards enhancing the nation’s capacity to combat and manage the growing cancer burden.

The Price of Survival

As healthcare institutions pour substantial investments into infrastructure and technology, the pressing question remains: How can these advancements be made accessible to a broader demographic without compromising financial well-being?

The financial burden associated with cancer treatment raises significant concerns about the accessibility of care for individuals across the globe. In particular, developing nations like India face formidable challenges, characterised by poor geographical coverage of medical services and limited financial protection in health. The cost of cancer care is notably high, with studies indicating that out-of-pocket expenses for cancer treatment rank among the highest for any ailment. The disparity between private and public facilities is pronounced, with the average out-of-pocket spending on inpatient care in private facilities being three times that of public facilities. Alarmingly, approximately 40 per cent of cancer hospitalization cases rely heavily on borrowings, asset sales, and contributions from friends and relatives to finance the treatment. Moreover, over 60 per cent of households seeking care from the private sector incur out-of-pocket expenditures exceeding 20 per cent of their annual per capita household expenditure. This stark reality underscores the pressing question of affordability in the realm of cancer care. 

  • The estimated economic cost of cancers from 2020 to 2050
1.Global$25.2 trillion
2.India$1.4 trillion

Preventive Healthcare as a Solution

The exorbitant costs of cancer treatment in developing nations like India indicate an urgent need to prioritize preventive healthcare initiatives. With a significant portion of the population facing economic constraints, preventive measures such as routine screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle modifications become crucial in averting diseases before they manifest. Empowering communities through awareness campaigns and fostering a culture of proactive health management can lead to early detection and reduced incidence of advanced-stage cancer cases, thereby alleviating the financial strain on individuals and healthcare systems. Government initiatives and policy advocacy are essential in shaping healthcare policies that prioritize preventive measures and allocate resources to public health programs, ultimately building a resilient and sustainable healthcare infrastructure for the future. Moreover, recognizing that between 30–50% of all cancer cases are preventable underscores the importance of prevention as the most cost-effective long-term strategy for the control of cancer.

Here are some ways in which preventive healthcare can contribute to cancer prevention:

  1. Lifestyle Habits:
    • Balanced Diet: Consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins for a healthy weight and reduced risk of obesity-related cancers.
    • Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and boost immune function, lowering the risk of various cancers.
  2. Screening and Early Detection:
    • Schedule regular check-ups and screenings (e.g., mammograms, colonoscopies) to detect cancer early for more effective treatment.
  3. Vaccinations:
    • Consider vaccines like the HPV vaccine to prevent infections linked to an increased risk of specific cancers.
  4. Tobacco and Alcohol:
    • Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake to significantly decrease the risk of certain cancers.
  5. Sun Protection:
    • Use sunscreen and protective clothing to minimize UV exposure and prevent skin cancer.
  6. Genetic Counseling:
    • Seek genetic counselling for individuals with a family history of cancer to make informed decisions about screening.
  7. Environmental Awareness:
    • Minimize exposure to environmental carcinogens, such as pollutants and harmful chemicals.
  8. Stress Management:
    • Adopt stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga, to support overall well-being.

While these measures can significantly reduce cancer risk, it’s important to note that they don’t provide absolute immunity. Regular check-ups and a healthy lifestyle remain crucial for preventive healthcare.

Nextler Innovation Participates Proactively

Nextler Innovations, as a forward-thinking technology company, is fervently dedicated to advancing preventive healthcare through the promotion of innovative solutions. Our passion lies in leveraging cutting-edge technologies to empower individuals and healthcare professionals alike in their journey toward a healthier future. By developing and advocating for state-of-the-art tools and platforms, Nextler Innovations aims to enhance awareness, accessibility, and efficiency in preventive healthcare. We believe in the transformative power of technology to revolutionize the way we approach health and well-being, ultimately contributing to a world where proactive measures play a central role in reducing the incidence of illnesses. Through our commitment to pioneering solutions, Nextler Innovations endeavours to make a lasting impact on preventive healthcare, fostering a culture of wellness and resilience.

Our technology development is primarily focused on the early detection aspect of preventive health care. We believe, that if we create a world where people are inclined towards adapting early detection measures as a behaviour in their healthier way of living, it would be possible to prevent complex stages of cancer and thus save patients from spiralling into multi-faceted problems that they and families face. For that, we believe innovative solutions are required to educate and embrace early detection measures seamlessly and affordably for any common individual. We at Nextler are already invested in building such solutions for the future as the future is nothing without healthy people.

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